Monday, October 29, 2012

The book. I'm sorry to say though the book had great information, it was like reading a new language. It had too much information in each chapter for a beginner like me. i found it overwhelming even intimidating at times. I have the very basic understanding of computers. I use them every day but for basic things. I wished I had grasp it better and learned how to do the things t was asking me to do. I feel the information was important but the delivery was not helpful but confusing to me. I took my time and try to understand all the information but it was too cumbersome. I would not suggest to use this book for beginners like myself who learn by hands on. I feel I really missed out and am intimidate to try some of these tools. The class room instruction was most helpful to me to complete my work. I would like to use these tool on a regular bases and I will try. It like become an expert chief with one cook book.
Ch. Ten Putting all together is the understanding that education is changing and these tools are how it is changing. this technology is widely use in the working world. Allowing for companies to take what they need for presentation ad spread sheets. It changes the way school teach. Gone are the days of paper and pencil activities and the use of libraries. Soon students will only need a lap top or I pad to learn. We as teachers need to embrace the change and use it. Testing would be how well the student has mastered his/her product. I believe in learning through creating and analyzing. Much higher level of thinking. But one thing at a time. students need to know what they are learning about and explore the web for information, using reliable sources. then go on to create their product. I know this the coming of age in education. I am trying to use more technology in my classroom. There is so much to learn. I find it quite over whelming. I need to slow down and understand one tool at a time. I will make my priority to learn more and use more.I realize this is just the beginning of change in education and I already feel behind the 8 ball. I want my students to be engage in their work and learning as much as they can.
/ch 8 Multimedia has happened quickly and continues to change. Pod-casting start by a thirteen year old boy, Matthew Bishcoff came up with the idea and created the first podcast. He simple used his technology experience and went with it and now pod-casting is used but news stations and for information. Apple loves this idea and made iphones and ipads. Stu dents use this on a regular bases, to talk about their school events. The chapter gives confusing instruction as to how to get started. It is assuming that everyone has the right equipment and understand of the process.I find this book to give a lot of non-essential information and then Boom here is how to do it. I need the information broken down more and hands on training that is how I learn best.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Ch. 7

Fun with flick allows student to take picture and videos of class room projects and the classroom it self.  This is a immediate media for information good or bad.  By sharing videos and picture makes tings all the more interesting for the class and students. The book does caution to edit all before posting anything.  Which is good because people  need to be aware of student and adults rights.  It is so easy to make a mistake and end up in court over privacy  issues.   Again I feel it is to easy to get in trouble and therefore would advise against it.

I feel this chapter as others are to light with precaution and are not look at the real world of issues.  One never and I never put themselves in a possible legal issue.  The chapter is too pushy and optimistic about uses of tools.  not everyone is savvy enough to understand or know laws. My philosophy is to error on over protectiveness.

Ch. 6

The social web s what this webs, blogs, wikis RSS are all about to share with individuals or public.  This allows people to read, write and share with you.  It is becoming the new way to get information and give information.  Twitter is exploding with it's use by people. It is quick and easy.  my students use this all the time.The book suggest school to use it to keep parents daily up date to lesson and links.

Though this is tempting I am hesitated to use this. Nice to have parents informed but this feel s too much.  A possible over kill. What if a lesson is taking longer  than anticipated, the parent could misunderstand the reasons why and feel the teacher isn't doing his/her/ job efficiently enough.  I feel we are opening ourselves up to more problems than solution.  It is also taking  the responsibility of  the student of staying on tasks away.  Parents whom are interested to that extend could  keep up on assignments give out.  

Ch. 5

RSS means Really Simply syndication.  Which is a more direct route to updates of a blog. Easier to get to and read also. XML is used to get to a feed a new feed.  this allows teacher and student to go to one feed to get information on a subject of interest instead of having to go to more than one place.  It is virus free.  which is important especially for classroom. It is called an aggregator. It clears sights from viruses.  after setting up your aggregator account go to Google read because it is free and start collecting data.  Tend to read if authors full name is used an usually authentic sight. Using Google reader the latest information pops up and the most important.  One can unsubscribe at any point.

This chapter again has way too much information for one sitting.  I feel an how to book needs  to explain steps more and less talk about the tool.  It is obliques at best and confusing through out. I need the hands on experience but the chapter goes on and on about not so important details.  I have found even take notes I am retaining very little.